Thanks to our network of genealogists, guides and tour operators, we organize travel itineraries in Molise tailored just for you.

Molise, a hidden jewel of Italy, enchants with its unspoiled nature. Amid majestic mountains and cultivated fields, it preserves the purity of handcrafted creations and a food and wine scene with authentic flavors.

We are ready to welcome you! We will organize for you a personalized travel experience of one or more days: we will visit the country of origin of your ancestors and the places that recall family memories, including a series of activities that will allow you to deepen your understanding of the native culture with its traditions. We will discover the home of your ancestors, and if you decide to purchase a property in our area, our team will support you in all stages of research, purchase and renovation.

If you would like to explore other Italian destinations during your stay, you can count on us for 'personalized assistance. Italea Molise will be by your side even beyond Molise's borders!

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Do you want to know your origins in Italy? Here's how to do it

Discover and reconstruct your family history with the help of Italy's expert genealogists. Fill out the form below and get a quote for a personalized genealogy consultation


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Begin your journey of discovering your personal history. Explore the territory where you belong!

Explore the guidebook! Your journey of discovery to the homeland starts here! Welcome to the 'adventure that will reveal the roots of your identity.


Learn more about the Molise region through the Roots guide

Learn more about the culture of your region, consult the guide.


Puglia, Basilicata, Abruzzo, Emilia-Romagna


Calabria, Sicilia, Molise, Lombardia


Marche, Veneto, Lazio, Sardegna

Activities in Molise
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All the activities not to be missed

Every trip with us is a unique experience, tailor-made for you. Discover how many things you can do while rediscovering your origins.

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  • 02 June
    02 June

    The Mysteries of Campobasso


    Mysteries of Campobasso, Corpus Christi tradition with living representations

    Campobasso (CB)

  • 20 May
    20 May
    Feste patronali

    The Carrese of Portocannone


    Traditional competition between ox-drawn carts

    Portocannone (CB)

  • 03 May
    03 May
    Feste patronali

    The Carrese of Ururi


    Patronal festival in honor of the Holy Wood of the Cross

    Ururi (CB)

  • 30 April
    30 April
    Feste patronali

    The Carrese of San Martino in Pensilis


    Carrese: a traditional ox cart race

    San Martino in Pensilis (CB)

  • 08 September
    08 September

    The Riccia Grape Festival


    The Riccia Grape Festival: an explosion of colors, flavors and traditions. The event got its start in the early 1930s, when the fascist regime imposed the celebration of this type of holiday in all municipalities in Italy. Nestled among pristine forests and steeped in history, the village of Riccia, offers a fascinating experience of tradition and authenticity. One of the most iconic events that captures the vibrant spirit of this place: an ancient parade that has been held for 91 years on the second Sunday in September, transporting visitors back in time through rituals, pagan rites and a bountiful bounty of local produce.

    Riccia (CB)

  • 01 May
    01 May

    The Maja Festival, a hymn to spring


    Every year in Acquaviva Collecroce, a festival dedicated to Maja is held on May, the 1st. This festival, which has very ancient origins and celebrates spring, can be traced back to the ancient spring rites of the pagan era connected with seasonal cycles, the rebirth of nature, and the prosperity of the crops and fruits of the earth. Given the presence of Croatian alloglot communities in Molise, one can certainly speak of Slavic descent as well, since harvest propitiation rituals are also found in the Balkan area. The Maja festival is a cherished tradition and an occasion for sharing that strengthens the feeling of fraternity in this community that still keeps alive the memory of its origins.

    Acquaviva Collecroce (CB)


An experience on the trail of the past.

Discover paths that will reconnect you to your land!

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Journey into the linguistic minorities of Molise

Discovering Molise’s linguistic minorities. Amidst the rolling hills and silent villages of Molise, a varied language rises, telling ancient and fascinating stories. A journey between past and present, where language becomes a bridge between cultures that intertwine and merge. From Molisian dialects to minority languages: this little gem of Italy presents itself as a linguistic […]

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Transhumance in Molise: an ancient family tradition

Transhumance in Molise: between nature, Caciocavallo and sheep tracks. Molise, overlooking the splendid panorama of the Apennines, is home to a thousand-year-old tradition. Transhumance and production of Caciocavallo podolico and Manteca cheese. A ritual that takes place through the breathtaking scenery of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park. In this context, one encounters the […]

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Molise's truffle: a hidden treasure

The Molise Truffle and its centuries-old tradition. Molise, a region rich in gastronomic traditions, is home to a unique culinary treasure. Let’s start with the basics. The truffle is a hypogeous fungus, that is, one that grows underground, and Molise has a vocation for this production due to its fertile soil and ideal climate. The […]

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The Molise region as seen by you