Recurrences Unique event

The great fire of St. Anthony Abbot in Pescopennataro

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Luogo:Pescopennataro (IS)



The fire that warms and unites

The night of January 16-17 commemorates St. Anthony Abbot. The symbol of the celebration is the fire that burns stacks of wood, around which the community gathers to ask the saint for grace and miracles, exchanging food and wine prepared for the occasion.

St. Anthony, an exponent of Egyptian asceticism in the 3rd century AD, a stalwart defender of humanity against the devils and hell. According to legend, he went to the underworld with his ferula staff and piglet, managing to snatch a spark of fire to bring as a gift to humanity, which until then was forced to survive in the cold.

A bonfire is set up in the central town square in honor of the saint. The ritual begins the days before with the selection, collection and transport of the shrubs to be burned, usually faggots or hollow plants inside. The entire community participates in the collection and transport of the wood. The logs are arranged in a vertical position in the center of the square, as if to recall the structure of the saint’s ferula, inserting laurel branches that will be used to light the fire. Once the bonfire preparation is finished, the priest blesses the logs and the fire.

From that moment the celebration can begin, which continues throughout the night until the fire is spontaneously extinguished.


16 January 25

17 January 25


17:00 - 06:00

Information/To know

Location/The place


Piazza del Popolo, 86080 Pescopennataro, IS, Italia

How to get there

From the North and South: From the A14 Adriatica highway, exit at the Val di Sangro toll booth, follow the direction of Villa S. Maria, SS 652, near San Marco continue straight ahead, then turn onto SS 558, pass through Sant' Angelo del Pesco, turn onto SP 2 towards Pescopennataro. From Isernia: Take SP 21, continue on SS 17 towards Forlì del Sannio, Rionero Sannitico, take SS 652, continue on SS 558, turn onto SP 2 towards Pescopennataro. From Campobasso: Take SS 87 (strada statale Bifernina), near Vinchiaturo take SS 17, continue on SS 650, turn on SS 651 towards Pescolanciano, take SS 86, continue to Capracotta, Pescopennataro. From Naples: Take the A1 Rome-Naples Autostrada del Sole highway, exit at Caianello, follow signs for Isernia, SS 85, follow direction Montaquila/Roccaraso, turn onto SS 158 towards Roccaraso, take SS 652, continue on SS 558, turn onto SP 2 towards Pescopennataro. From Rome: From the A1 Autostrada del Sole exit at San Vittore, follow direction Venafro on SS 6, at Venafro continue on SS 85, follow direction Montaquila/Roccaraso, turn onto SS 158 towards Roccaraso, take SS 652, continue on SS 558, turn onto SP 2 towards Pescopennataro. By train: You can reach the train station in Isernia (about 50 km away). It continues to Pescopennataro by bus with the Autolinee "SATI" (Pescopennataro - Capracotta - Isernia line).

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