Italea Molise

Rediscover your Molise Origins!
ItaleaMolise is the local association devoted to the promotion and development of Roots Tourism in the picturesque territory of Molise. From a land of departures to a land of returns, this is our dream. To accomplish this, we support and welcome Travelers like you: co-regional emigrants around the world and their descendants, so that they can experience, explore and rediscover their Molise origins. In addition to the experiences in the area, we will assist you in every step of the trip: booking airline tickets, transfers from the airport, finding the accommodations that best suit your needs, and taking you to the most typical restaurants in Molise.
Places, emotions, life stories-each itinerary represents a promise. Every moment is an opportunity for discovery…let the journey begin: discover Molise to know yourself!

The Molise you don’t expect
We prepare a tailor-made adventure for you, an authentic experience that will bring you closer to people, places and your Roots. We will guide you in genealogical research to reconstruct the history of your ancestors. We will walk along the paths of history, suspended in time among the ancient pavements of Altilia or wrapped in the sacred embrace of the Italic Sanctuary of Pietrabbondante. We will savor the most authentic traditions, sacred and profane, that ignite the spirits of Molisians: we will celebrate the “Wheat” of Jelsi and toast the “Grapes” of Riccia. We will dance into the night to the unbridled rhythm of ancient dances with Scapoli’s “deer man.” We will watch silently, enraptured by the fire of the ‘ndocce, which illuminates the dark streets of the village of Agnone. We will immerse ourselves in the wildest nature, among parks, oases and unspoiled landscapes that give birth to genuine products, which you can rediscover in the stories of your ancestors. We will explore the “Molise that does not exist,” between pop culture and street-art, between myths and anecdotes of the present day, to understand how we, who remain, imagine and shape the land of our tomorrow.

Taste of Molise: get your hands in the dough!
We pay homage to our peasant roots and the goodness of our region by organizing food and wine tours where you can taste the delicacies and typical products of Molise. With us, you will learn how to “heap” cavatelli, learn the basics of local cuisine, and get up close and personal with the secrets that artisans have been handing down for centuries to make cheese, salami, bread, oil, wine and many other specialties with an ancient aroma. We will take you on a journey of taste that connects past and present to discover the flavors of home.

The Italea Molise team
Our team is composed of 100% Molisians, with different but complementary skills: synergy is our strength. In addition to Italian, we are also able to communicate with you in English and Spanish to simplify communication and be closer to you. Thanks to our know-how, we offer a personalized genealogical research service, and for those who wish to invest in the area, we provide assistance with the purchase and renovation of real estate. Within the team, we have a great deal of experience in the world of tourism: we are ready to create tailor-made experiences for you and accompany you on an unforgettable adventure to discover your Molise roots!