
Transhumance in Molise: an ancient family tradition

22 February 2024

2 minutes

Transhumance in Molise: between nature, Caciocavallo and sheep tracks.

Molise, overlooking the splendid panorama of the Apennines, is home to a thousand-year-old tradition.

Transhumance and production of Caciocavallo podolico and Manteca cheese.
A ritual that takes place through the breathtaking scenery of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park. In this context, one encounters the artisanal production of Caciocavallo podolico, a delicious cheese made from the milk of indigenous Podolica breeds. Alongside this, Manteca, fat from Podolian veal, is masterfully processed, resulting in a staple in traditional Molise cuisine.

The sheep-tracks, a symbol of rural culture.
The tratturi, ancient pastoral trails, are the transhumance routes connecting five Italian regions-Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia, Basilicata and Campania. Used for centuries, these routes connect the flat regions to the mountains, guiding the seasonal movement of livestock. Transhumance, steeped in tradition, represents a deep connection between man, animals and nature, tracing a fascinating path through the history and culture of the Italian landscape.

History of the Colantonos: keepers of tradition.
The Colantuono family, custodians of a rich and fascinating history, played a central role in the perpetuation of transhumance in Molise. Through generations, the family has passionately managed the seasonal movement of livestock through the intricate trails of Molise’s mountains. Their story is intertwined with love for the land, dedication to tradition and skill in the art of herding. The Colantonos have become synonymous with authenticity and respect for traditional agricultural practices, contributing to the enhancement of local culture and economy.

Transhumance and sustainable tourism in Molise.
This sustainable practice has attracted the attention of rural tourism, offering visitors the opportunity to actively participate in transhumance and understand the deep connection between pastoralism, the environment and the production of traditional foods. The initiative helped not only to preserve ancient traditions, but also to promote environmentally friendly tourism in Molise.

Transhumance in Molise is a journey through time, an unbreakable link between nature, history and local culture. The production of Caciocavallo podolico and Manteca, adds a unique flavor to this age-old practice.

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